Riccardo Panattoni

A Crab Holds a Butterfly Suspended Above Itself with its Claws. On the Concept of Recapitulation

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The essay, drawing from the work of Giorgio Agamben, examines the implications concerning the concept of «recapitulation», focusing on its implications for the structure of subjectification, particularly regarding human agency. In pursuit of this, the essay articulates the form of «recapitulation» by delineating – drawing from Shakespeare’s assertion that «The time is out of joint» – the dimensions of succession, simultaneity, and permanence. The ultimate ambition of the essay is to define a disjunctive synthesis between synchronic and diachronic forms of time such as to highlight the singular and impersonal relationship between life and creativity.


  • Recapitulation
  • Giorgio Agamben
  • Time
  • Singular and impersonal
  • Life and creativity


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