Matteo Buffa

Legal clinics: Third mission between training and public engagement. The Genoese experience: Migrations and international protection in ethnoclinical-legal mediation

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The birth of the legal clinic on migration and international protection of the School of Social Science with the collaboration of the Departments of Law, Political sciences, History and Philosophy of the University of Genoa tells, from its very beginning, of a highly interdisciplinary vocation, both looking at the participants and to the adopted methodologies. Recently, the intersection of plural gazes and perspectives in the evaluation of applications for international protection has suggested the adoption of a working method that combines the legal clinical education approach with that of ethno-clinical mediation. This contribution reflects on the intersections between different knowledges, evidence-based methodologies of clinical approaches, proposing the need for a revision of the pursuit of social justice goals in teaching and research


  • Legal clinic
  • ethno-clinical mediation
  • evidence-based
  • social justice
  • international protection
  • migration
  • refugee status determination process


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