Flavio Santi

The «Canzoniere» and Friuli. Friuli and the «Canzoniere». Notes for a Thematic-Linguistic Analysis

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The article takes into examination the Canzoniere italiano, a collection of popular songs and chants in dialect published by Pier Paolo Pasolini in 1955. It focuses on the section dedicated to Friuli, and it analyses the choice of typical traditional songs, the so-called villotte, and provides a thematic and stylistic analysis. Furthermore, the article explores how Pasolini translated the Friulian, a dialect which is very difficult to translate. Finally, a final Appendix provides the texts of the villotte that Pasolini published in Academiuta’s Friulian magazines between 1944 and 1947, but that he did not include in the Canzoniere.


  • Pier Paolo Pasolini
  • Canzoniere italiano
  • Popular Poetry
  • Friuli
  • Dialect
  • Villotte
  • Stylistic Analysis
  • Translation


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