Carlo Levi

Il tuo paese e il mio, Thomas, With a Note by Chiara Carpita

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The unpublished poem by Carlo Levi, Il tuo paese e il mio, Thomas, discovered in a collection of poems by Dylan Thomas edited and translated into Italian by Roberto Sanesi, kept in Amelia Rosselli’s personal library, contains intertextual references to Levi’s masterpiece Cristo si è fermato ad Eboli and to the poems written during his internment. The poem dialogues with Dylan Thomas’ poetry, and it is also significant to interpret Amelia Rosselli’s Impromptu, where the final section echoes the opposition drawn by Levi between ‘Great Literature’ and popular poetry and between History with a capital ‘H’ and the history of humble people


  • Carlo Levi
  • Amelia Rosselli
  • Dylan Thomas
  • Fondo Amelia Rosselli Viterbo
  • Twentieth-Century Italian Poetry


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