Mauro Bucci Luigi Gazzano Elena Gennari Adele Grompone Giorgio Ivaldi Giovanna Messina Giacomo Ziglio

Per chi suona la campan(ell)a? La dotazione di infrastrutture scolastiche in Italia (For whom the bell tolls? The availability of school infrastructures in Italy)

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This paper proposes a set of indicators to measure the quality and availability of school infrastructure at the local level, based on information from the Italian school building register (Sistema Nazionale dell’Anagrafe dell’edilizia scolastica, SNAES). The indicators are calculated for each municipality and level of education (from pre-school to upper secondary) and cover several aspects (morphology, functionality, location); an innovative analysis is performed to obtain a measure of potential demand for school services, breaking down the local population by age and average travel time by car, to identify local weaknesses in the availability of school infrastructure. The indicators are also matched with a number of learning progress measures to assess the preliminary and purely descriptive impact of the quality and availability of school buildings on learning processes.


  • education
  • local school services demand


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