Marica Spalletta

Toward a widespread activism. The journalistic coverage of government’s crisis between agenda setting and effects on news media models

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Over the past decade, the increasing relevance of platforms within the hybrid media ecosystem has deeply influenced journalistic phenomena (and especially political journalism), forcing them to reshape their traditional agenda-setting function to achieve «newsworthiness» on the Web. Based on these premises, the article analyses the coverage of Conte-bis government crisis, aiming at understanding how mainstream media performed their agenda-setting function in the competitive scenario of platforms disintermediation. The research results show how news media, today, rarely set the agenda but still preserve a crucial role in the framing process. Doing so, however, they are forced to assume activist attitudes, standing out, as the case, as politicians’ «spokespersons» (political-partisan activism) or trustee counter-storytellers in respect to political-partisan narratives strongly unbelievable (political-institutional activism).


  • Journalism
  • Agenda setting
  • Framing
  • Politics
  • Activism


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