Antonio Martella Cristopher Cepernich

«Give Us this Day Our Daily TikTok». Publication Strategies of the Italian Newspapers on TikTok

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The platformisation of journalism, especially through the introduction of artificial intelligence, requires the implementation of new production-distribution strategies aimed at reaching increasingly niche audiences. Among these platforms TikTok is particularly interesting: first, the access to information is completely detached from one’s network and, second, the platform’s audiences are those that avoid news the most. Analysing the main Italian newspapers on TikTok, we identified eight publication strategies that reveal the co-presence of processes of adaptation and the re-proposition of traditional formats and content. Furthermore, the success of each video seems to be independent of the strategies implemented by the newsrooms.


  • TikTok
  • News
  • Algorithms
  • Incidental exposure
  • Information


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