Angela Di Gregorio

The former Soviet space between Eurasian “constitutionalismµ and European conditionality


In view of the European integration of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, and against the background of a war with ancient characteristics, the paper aims to provide an overview of the constitutional development of the post-Soviet countries. They have similarities and differences with respect to the most studied Central-Eastern European countries now EU members or long-standing candidates for entry into the EU, with which the former share some constitutional characteristics. The historical perspective is needed for a correct identification of the area and to understand the unresolved knots of statehood, which still condition the geopolitical position of the region. It is an area characterized by different constitutional influences – with particular reference to the Western Republics of the former USSR – both after the collapse of USSR and in earlier historical times.


  • Eurasian constitutionalism
  • post-Soviet space
  • new EU candidates
  • state-building


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