Giorgia Guerra

Complexity and the comparatist’s tools-box. Some insights from the law and technology field


Comparative methodology evolved over the years in response to the increasing complexity of studies’ legal sources and objects. Complexity has recently been theorized as a “scienceµ. The complex nature of legal matters relating the field of law and technology calls for new research methods, providing interesting food for thoughts on the current topic. By observing the evolution from comparative law to global comparative law, the essay aims to analyze which further methodological steps in comparison will be suitable when the object of studies become complex. Consequently, empirical legal studies, both quantitative and qualitative, have to be included in the new trajectories of comparison in law. This essay’s broader intent is to reasoning about the openness of comparison to other knowledge, in other words, about the relation between comparison and interdisciplinarity.


  • Science of complexity
  • Legal comparative methodology
  • Globalization
  • Quantitative and qualitative empirical studies
  • Technologies


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