Attilio Pisanò

An Approach to Quantitative Studies on Human Rights

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Quantitative studies explore the possibilities of improving the analysis of global human rights with the assistance of statistical and other quantitative tools with the aim of measuring human rights, drawing a distinction between rights in principle (as defined by the international law of human rights) and rights in practice (as demonstrated by the behaviour of the States). In the beginning, the article identifies the historical and philosophical roots of quantitative approach. Different approaches to the theme (Event-Based Measures, Standards-Based Measures, Survey-Based Measures) are then explained. The paper analyses the s.c. Standards-Based Measures ("de facto" and "de jure") through the analysis of scientific projects (Human Rights Data Project, Freedom House, Political Terror Scale) evaluating governmental human rights practices or real human rights conditions in a state. Finally some scientific papers (L. C. Keith, O. A. Hathaway, T. Landman, E. Neumayer, E. M. Hafner-Burton, K. Tsutsui), which tend to deal with the questions linked with the effectiveness and efficacy of Human Rights International Regime and specifically of Human Rights Core Treaties, are analysed.


  • Human Rights
  • International Human Rights System
  • Quantitative Approach
  • Standard-Based Measures
  • Effectiveness of Human Rights International Regime


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