Carla Failla

Gamification, Dark Patterns and Crypto-Activities: Perspectives on the Adaptability of the Rules on Unfair Commercial Practices

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Technological progress brings together market techniques typical of different economic sectors, resulting in the use of rules and instruments typical of different economic areas and in the proliferation of increasingly novel and sophisticated market practices. This disruptive innovation in trade raises questions about how to apply and interpret the set of rules designed to combat market malpractice and whether they are appropriate (or not) in a significantly new environment such as the crypto-activity market. After a brief analysis of practices typical of the digital market, in particular gamification and dark patterns, the compatibility of the rules on unfair commercial practices and their adaptability to the digital environment are examined from the perspective of the crypto-asset market


  • Gamification
  • Dark Patterns
  • Unfair Commercial Practices
  • Cripto-Activity


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