Does populist rhetoric boost user engagement? The case of the 2019 Italian European elections
Populist rhetoric is commonly linked to an effective and straightforward mode of communication with supporters and the broader electorate. This study aims to investigate whether the use of a populist style of communication on Facebook social media is associated with higher levels of engagement by examining distinctive elements: reactions, comments and shares. Additionally, the study examines whether there are significant differences depending on the type of political party considered. By analysing 4,586 posts published by the major Italian parties (Lega, Pd, M5s, Fi, and FdI) during the campaign for the 2019 European elections, the study reveals that adopting a populist communication strategy proves advantageous for all parties. In fact, it is associated with higher levels of engagement, both in terms of positive and total reactions. Interestingly, the benefits that parties derive from embracing populist rhetoric appear to vary. While the electorates of traditional populist parties (Lega, M5s, and FdI) show greater receptiveness to this style of communication, such effect is lower for mainstream parties such as Pd and Fi.
- Populism
- Communication
- User Engagement
- Italy
- European Elections