Giuseppe Festa Paolo Corbini Iole Piscolla

Profili comunicativi dell'informazione internet-based nel campo dell'enoturismo in Italia al tempo dell'emergenza COVID-19

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The aim of the research is to investigate the possible dimensions of representation of the information/communication operated via the Internet about the situation of Italian wine tourism in the post-lockdown of 2020. The study, with an exploratory nature, was carried out in August 2020 developing a content analysis of selected results emerging from specific queries on Google. The outcomes of the research indicate that the main dimension of the wine tourism ‘narration’ on the web at the time of the post-lockdown of 2020 concerned the economic side, also due to the remarkable performances achieved by Italian wine tourism in 2019. In this regard, the necessity/opportunity of a more organized and intense public private collaboration in the field of wine tourism in Italy appears as the main implication deriving from the research.


  • wine tourism
  • oenotourism
  • Covid-19
  • lockdown
  • Italy
  • communication
  • Internet


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