La discrezione come strategia inquisitoriale alla fine del XVIII secolo. Il caso dell’"Histoire critique de Jésus Christ" (1770) del barone d’Holbach
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The aim of this essay is to show one of the Church’s response strategies to Paul-Henri Thiry d’Holbach’s (1723–1789) book, "Histoire critique de Jésus Christ, ou, Analyse raisonnée des Evangiles". "Ecce Homo" (1770) and, consequently, to the interpretation of Christianity conveyed by the text. The presentation of unpublished censorship notes, composed for the purposes of the Index and the Holy Office at the end of XVIII century, appears as a privileged point of view for the study of a particular aspect of Catholic reaction. This can be placed within the broader framework of the Church’s responses and reactions to books considered heterodox and impious.
- Paul-Henri Thiry d’
- Holbach
- Histoire critique de Jésus Christ
- Book Censorship
- Holy Office
- Censorship Notes
- Jesus in Modern Thought