Pietro Ioly Zorattini

La Comunità israelitica di Udine-San Daniele del Friuli (1929-1931): storia di un progetto

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The essay concerns the brief story of the Jewish Community of Udine-San Daniele del Friuli, founded on 20 January 1929 thanks to the initiative of nine heads of families, to which around 80 people joined, which remained in operation until the autumn of 1931, as it failed to obtain legal recognition by the state. In fact, following the promulgation of the Falco Law of 30 October 1930, which regulated the entire organizational structure of Italian Jewry and the subsequent Royal Decree of 24 September 1931, according to which the Jewish Community of Gorizia also included the Province of Udine, the newborn Community of Udine-San Daniele del Friuli was united with that of Gorizia. The situation of the Jews of Udine is compared with the very different situation of the Jews of Treviso, Bologna and Naples, whose communities never attempted a merger with the others present in the neighboring areas.


  • Jews
  • Emancipation
  • Synagogue
  • Rabbis
  • Community


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