Edoardo Cibelli

Ricerche scientifiche di Cloe Taddei Ferretti

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Starting from the presentation of a brief academic and scientific profile of Cloe Taddei Ferretti, the Author in the contribution indicates the most relevant topics and researches of the numerous and multiple publications to which she has always dedicated herself with passion, perseverance and dedication, highlighting her not only scientific, but also philosophical-theological preparation and pointing out that many of her publications have a strongly interdisciplinary character and such as to testify to the scientific rigor used in her research. Furthermore, the text underlines the intellectual honesty with which Cloe Taddei Ferretti has faced and developed each topic covered, so the results she reaches from time to time are always widely exposed as a legitimate conclusion of the application of a correct scientific methodology based on the data collected in her research.


  • Cloe Taddei Ferretti –
  • research –
  • method –
  • interdisciplinarity –
  • intellectual honesty


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