Angelo Tumminelli

Between Husserl and Scheler. Renewal and Harmonization as Tasks of European Humanity

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This paper presents a reflection on the phenomenological re-understanding of European culture starting from the reflections of Edmund Husserl and Max Scheler, showing how for the two philosophers European humanity must assume the ethical task of a continuous renewal and harmonization between elements and aspects socio-political very different from each other. In particular, some writings that Scheler and Husserl dedicate to the idea of Europe as a moral task of anthropological rebirth are taken into consideration in this paper. Both Scheler and Husserl, indeed, believe that a material and spiritual reconstruction of Europe, from the rubble of war, is pos¬sible only in the light of a «new humanism» capable of overcoming individualistic tensions and of walking on the path of cultural and material cooperation of existing communities.


  • Scheler –
  • Husserl –
  • Europe –
  • Theory of Harmonization –
  • Social Phenomenology


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