Bernard Gosse

L’inclusion de 1-2 S entre la réaffirmation messianique de 1 S 2,1-10 et celle de 2 S 22 parallèle du Ps 18 réaffirmation messianique au constat d’échec du Ps 89

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The text of 1 S 2,1-10, forms inclusion with 2 S 22, a parallel to Ps 18, in the line of the function of Ps 18 in the Psalter and constitutes a new affirmation of the Davidic messianism in front of the menaces against David, particularly from Saul in the Books of Samuel. These menaces are mentioned in the titles of the Psalms 52; 54; 57; 59. Saul (¨’wl) is assimilated to the Sheol (¨’wl) in Ps 18,6. This last term constitutes an inclusion of the books of Samuel between 1 S 2,6 and 2 S 22,6.


  • Sheol
  • Saul
  • David
  • Messiah
  • Samuel
  • Psalter


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