Mattia Seu

Il lungo velo da Davide a Maria. Un filo rosso tra il "Protovangelo di Giacomo" e il Targum Jonathan

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In the Protevangelium of James, as an antecedent to the annunciation, virgins «from the tribe of David» are chosen to prepare the temple veil. These young women include Mary, who at the time of the angel’s visit is intent on spinning purple. The reason for finding the characteristic election of young girls from the lineage of David may go back also to an interpretation attested by the Targum Jonathan of 2Sam 21:19. In these targum, David’s family was involved with the weaving of the temple veil.


  • Mary –
  • David –
  • Veil of the temple –
  • "Protevangelium of James" –
  • Targum Jonathan –
  • 2 Samuel


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