Luca Gori

Third Sector Law as an Evolving Promotional Law. A Constitutional Review of Andrea Fusaro, Gli enti del terzo settore. Profili civilistici

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The book of Andrea Fusaro addresses important issues of civil law in the field of Third Sector Law. However, the book reconstructs the complex discipline after the reform in 2016-2017, defined today by law and many administrative acts as well as some judgements. The panorama is nowaday enriched by some regional laws and acts of municipalities. Furthermore, the reality of active citizenship is transforming and the categories developed by the national legislator are challenged. Andrea Fusaro’s book gives a vision of the third sector complexity. The review aims to underline many points of constitutional relevance and delicacy


  • Not for Profit Law
  • Third Sector
  • Social Economy
  • Promotional Law


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