Notes on the Law-Decree 28 June 2019, No. 59 (so-called "Culture Decree")
The present contribution has the purpose of analyzing the contents of Law-Decree No. 59/2019, with the view of verifying whether or not it has solved the critical aspects relating to the sectors of entertainment, sport and school-education. In particular, we will try to ascertain whether the said decree-law has solved the complex issue of precarious workers of Lyric- Symphonic Foundations, which was the object of judgments by both the Italian Constitutional Court and, later, by the European Court of Justice. In addition to this aspect, the legal instrument in point introduces a series of measures that are different in terms of typology, goals pursued and scope, which deal with the different aspects of culture and sport. The limits and positive aspects of such measures will be duly highlighted.
- Employees
- Lyric-Symphonic Foundations
- Financing
- Legal Measures