The Developmental Features of Civic Education
The article begins by describing the social characteristics of every newborn child who develops within a cultural milieu. Afterwards the new syllabus for kindergarten [scuola dell’infanzia] focuses on the chapter named «The Self and the Other». While following the construction of the child identity, we must consider the relevance of all social interactions and exchanges with other persons. It includes the affective development and the structuring of co-operation and friendship feelings oriented to the individual and group autonomy: the above features characterize the primary school level. On this basis, the Pedagogy of the middle school (the first grade of the secondary school) will be expressed by systematic surveys of the surrounding territory and its services. Besides, in this school level it is possible to develop the communicative computer functions, and also its use for producing a school newspaper in order to initially approach the political dimensions of the adult society.
- Social competencies
- Emotional
- Development
- Diversity recognition
- Respect towards others