Giovanni Damele

«Everything Is Mixed Up». About a Double Quote from Bayle and Montesquieu in Sciascia’s L’Affaire Moro

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Leonardo Sciascia’s books Todo Modo and L’Affaire Moro, published four years apart, seem to dialogue with each other on the topic of the relationship between politics and Christianity. In fact, the two texts seem linked not only by the figure of Moro – a link made explicit above all by Elio Petri’s film, based on the novel, and on which Sciascia himself focused in an interview. A passage in the Affaire seems to allude directly to the plot of Todo Modo and the contradictions of a Christian party. It is a double – and laconic – quote from Bayle and Montesquieu, which however requires to be made explicit, to trace not only what it affirms, but also what it omits, thus reconstructing the relationship between the two texts.


  • Sciascia
  • Bayle
  • Montesquieu
  • Religion
  • Politics


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