Founded in 1881 by Ruggero Bonghi, La Cultura was suppressed by the Fascist Government in 1936 and it was finally republished in 1963 on the initiative of Guido Calogero and Gennaro Sasso. La Cultura was in the past as it is in the present a journal that allows to reconstruct important parts of Italian cultural history. Lately, it has been paying attention not only to Italian and European thought in the age of idealism, but also to other currents (from Marxism to Frankfurt School, from Habermas to Apel and, more recently, to bioethics-related issues), and then to phenomenology and Heidegger, who has been studied in relation to his “sources”, and to political events in Nazi Germany. The interest in Machiavelli’s work, and, recently, in Dante’s, who is present as a thinker as well as a poet, in Petrarch’s, Tasso’s, and in Leopardi’s work is a living testimony of the way in which La Cultura has been keeping together many fields of knowledge, which have always been investigated in a close relationship with history and historiography, with scientific exactitude to avoid eclecticism. La Cultura will continue to pay attention to such topics.
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