Claudia Bianchi Giuseppe Cambiano Matteo Nascè Mauro Piras Massimo Mugnai

Insegnare la filosofia. Riflessioni su un libro

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In 2023 came out Come (non) insegnare la filosofia by Massimo Mugnai (Milano, Raffaello Cortina), a book that addresses the important issue of teaching philosophy in high schools and beyond. The book aims to provoke a public discussion on the teaching of philosophy, in contrast with the historicist tradition of Italian philosophy and the textbooks that are inspired by such tradition. The «Rivista di Filosofia» has therefore invited teachers of philosophy with different backgrounds and orientations to take a position on Mugnai’s book and the issues raised by it. First, an analytic philosopher intervenes, Claudia Bianchi, followed by a historian of philosophy, Giuseppe Cambiano, and two high school teachers of philosophy, Matteo Nascè and Mauro Piras. Mugnai’s reply concludes the discussion.


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