Mario Coglitore

Diachronic Synchronies. Time and Utopia in Science Fiction Literature from «Psychohistory» to «Virtual Reality»

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Allowing time to be the very code of its enunciative «grammar», science fiction narration makes it the ideal field where the thick matter of utopian possibility flows, restless, in its vital creative impetus; it is the world «opposite of itself» that we find on the edge of the day, when dusk falls and the light slowly decreases, thus suggesting prophetic visions. This «thinking differently», which is produced by the proclamation of utopias, results in weaving speculations between the paradoxical and the dreamlike but craving for the substance of real paths of change, futuristic as well as tangible, and it is questioning, in conclusion, about the nature of a time that is diverging and foreign, unknown; to a closer look, a «non-time» for which writing encourages heterogeneity and dispersion.


  • Science Fiction
  • Utopia
  • Time
  • Psychohistory
  • Virtual Reality


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