Daniela Calabrò

On Aptic Ontology. Recchia Luciani and Nancy in a «Body To Body» Encounter

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In this text, the focus is on the «body to body» encounter that Recchia Luciani undertakes with Jean-Luc Nancy. The deconstruction of the Western subject is conducted by Recchia Luciani starting from Jean-Luc Nancy’s aptic ontology. Touch thus becomes the quintessential sense that enables a thought of openness aimed at the «heart of things». Nancy’s aptology totally deconstructs the image of any identity because the experience of touching oneself is by definition nominal; it’s an edge touching an edge, a limit. Here, according to Recchia Luciani, the aptic experience occurs, which becomes a relationship with the space between the self and the outside of oneself, namely exposure to openness and to limit that becomes threshold, edge, boundary, and shore.


  • Aptic Ontology
  • Touch
  • Francesca Romana Recchia Luciani
  • Jean-Luc Nancy
  • Relationship


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