Sintomatologia e tono dell'umore in gravidanza e dopo il parto: confronto tra donne primipare e pluripare. Uno studio pilota
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The objective of this research is to individuate the symptomatology and mood disturbances in women during pregnancy and the post-natal period. A sample of 40 primipara and 40 multipara women were selected with normal, term pregnancies, uncomplicated vaginal delivery and healthy baby. In the 9th month of pregnancy, and 3 days and one month after birth, a group of primipara and a group of secundipara women completed the Symptom Questionnaire (SQ) evaluating levels of anxiety, depression, somatic symptoms and hostility. At the same time a second group of primipara and secundipara women completed the Profile of Mood States (POMS) concerning disturbances in mood. The primipara women showed less somatic symptomatology one month after birth compared with the month preceding the birth. On the other hand, disturbances of mood were more accentuated one month after birth. The greatest psychological difficulties for secundipara women were met in the period before the birth. Finally, from a comparison between the two sample groups it emerges that the primipara suffers greater anxiety and hostility than the secundipara on the 3rd day after birth. These results demonstrate evidence of distinct psychological reactions specifically characterising primipara and multipara women in pregnancy and puerperium.