Riccardo Tonelli

Protection of labour and prevention of mafia infiltration from a European perspective

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The essay examines the intricate relationships between labour law and legislation against mafia organized crime infiltration, focusing on the perspective of EU law. Two main areas of interest are analyzed: the first – of a technical-legal nature – concerns the balance between workers’ rights, freedom of enterprise, and the protection of public safety; the second – of an empirical nature – concerns the effectiveness of countermeasures against mafia organized crime and the adequacy of controls on businesses. Drawing upon the findings of the analysis, the essay aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the challenges posed by the legislation against organized crime and to formulate some possible development in order to guarantee a better balance between the interests at stake.


  • Organised crime
  • Legislation
  • Balancing
  • Fundamental rights
  • Worker protection
  • Freedom of business
  • EU law


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