Lavoro e diritto
Rivista trimestrale


Lavoro e diritto was founded in 1987 by Umberto Romagnoli, Luigi Mariucci and Gian Guido Balandi; until 2016 the editor in chief was Romagnoli, until 2020 the editors were Mariucci e Balandi. Since a couple of decays, Lavoro e Diritto proposes itself as a point of reference for the development of new methodologies as regards the legal culture of labour while keeping the rigour of the tradition to which it belongs. The journal has widened the scope of the area marked by the terms Labour and Law, including the Industrial Relations and the different systems of Social Protection, in a frame which has never been exclusively domestic but has always paid attention to the European dimension and to the globalization of economy. The new organization of labour connected to Information Technologies, the so called Society of Services and, again, Europe and the Global world impose a new notion of citizenship, the elaboration of which is the background of the research activity developed by the journal. Lavoro e Diritto belongs to the International Association of Labour Law Journals, a development of an idea conceived by the founders of the journal – particularly by prof. Marco Biagi –, which gathers at present more than twenty academic journals from all over the world. For the years 2007-2010 Lavoro e Diritto holds the Presidency of the Association.




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