Fabio Viola Eleonora Caparesi

The videogames cultural industry

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Video gaming is a creative, cultural and social ecosystem that involves almost three billion people annually and generates a turnover of almost USD 200 billion. However, it is still poorly understood, particularly among public decision-makers. This raises questions about its role in the 21st century, ranging from mere playfulness to possible consideration as the tenth art form. The data indicate a transformation in cultural consumption, with video games surpassing traditional cultural experiences in terms of dedicated time and popularity among younger generations. At the production side, gamification could become an aspect of the evolution of museums as multi-platforms spaces: as some recent experiences in museums and cultural Heritage sites suggest.


  • videogaming
  • international cultural industry
  • productions
  • markets
  • personal cultural experience
  • museums
  • gamification
  • cultural Heritage publics


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