Marc Goldschmit

The Philosophical Discourse and the Writing of Difference. Foucault/Derrida

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The last modernity (Proust and Joyce, Klee and Duchamp, Benjamin and Freud) came to a tragic end with the European catastrophes, and the question it opened up, that of writing, was buried. Since then, two great paths have been opened up to theoria, that of the elevation of Discourse and a certain rejection of writing (from Foucault to Butler, via Lacan), and that of Barthes and Derrida, after Benjamin and Freud, who analyse the silent movements of writing under the skin of language: the path of Discourse that rejects writing or claims to subordinate it, and the path of writing that challenges the sovereignty of Discourse and breaks through the «différance» that comes from the Other


  • Discourse
  • Power
  • Performative
  • Writing
  • Différance
  • Other


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