«Chiesa sinodale»: forum di discussione a partire da un volume di Giuseppe Ruggieri
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The Forum presents a critical debate on the topic of the synodal aspects of the Church and analyses the volume "Chiesa Sinodale" by Giuseppe Ruggieri (Laterza, 2017). After more than ten years of research on synodal procedures, the liturgical aspect of the synodal event, the Vatican Council II and changes that it introduced in its own literary style of its documents, the author put together this dense collection of studies. Following Ruggieri's suggestion, three theologians from different cultural areas have been invited to the Forum: Joseph Komonchank, emeritus professor at Catholic University of America, Carlos Schickndantz of University Alberto Hurtado in Santiago Chile and Peter Hunermann, already professor at Eberhard Karls Universitat in Tubingen.
- Sinodality
- Vatican Council II
- Ecclesiology