Cristianesimo nella storia
Studies in History, Theology and Exegesis


Cristianesimo nella Storia is published by the Fondazione per le scienze religiose in Bologna. It was founded by Giuseppe Alberigo. The director is now professor Giuseppe Ruggieri. This peer-reviewed journal publishes research of international importance by authoritative scholars on the history of Christianity. It focuses in particular on the contexts and cultures with which Christians have come into contact, from the Old Testament and Judaism to the secularised society of today. Issued three times a year, Cristianesimo nella Storia includes research articles, reports, shorter notices and reviews, which update the reader on new ideas emerging from international research in history, theology and exegetics. One issue a year is a special issue on a monographic theme and the first number each year includes an index for the preceding twelve months. In its 30th year, the indices for 1980 to 2009 were issued as a supplement and are also available in digital format.

JOURNAL METRICS: Detailed indicators


Indice generale 2014

Indice generale 2015

Indice generale 2016

Indice generale 2017

Indice generale 2018

Indice generale 2019

Indice generale 2020

Indice generale 2021

Indice generale 2022

Indice generale 2023

INDEX 1980-2019



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