Vittoria Hayun Ida Erica Fuggetta

Conflict, Mediation and Communication. Practical-Experiential Workshop

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The School of Law of the University of Florence has now consolidated an innovative teaching activity and legal clinics that ranges across different areas of law. The Conflict, Communication and Mediation workshop proposes the themes of the Legal Clinic: Communicating Mediation, which combines clinical experience and experience in conflict mediation with the aim of experimenting the typical social skills of the mediator. The paper, therefore, explores the framework of meaning and meanings underlying the proposed teaching experience and the methodology applied. First-hand experimentation with the current dimension of law and the different aspects of knowledge, knowing how to do and knowing how to be, generates significant learning, allowing participants to acquire greater awareness of their own abilities and skills. In this way it is possible to trigger not only legal empowerment but also that public engagement, typical of the third university mission, which will continue to produce its effects well beyond the single experience.


  • Learning by doing
  • Legal clinics
  • Clinical legal education
  • Conflicts mediation
  • Alternative dispute resolution


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