Lee-Anne Paula Doyle Fraschia Ulrich Stege

The Interconnection between the Arts, Refugee and Migration Law in the Context of Clinical Legal Education as a Discourse

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The Interconnection between the Arts, Refugee and Migration Law is a course developed by Lee-Anne Paula Fraschia and Ulrich Stege at the Legal Clinic of the International University College of Turin (IUC) in 2021. This course advocates for clinical legal education to be more culturally sensitive and to allow refugees to be part of the educational process. This could be done through education, activism and community development initiatives, whilst using an artistic lens. The opportunity for refugees to contribute to the discourse of clinical legal education in Europe is a bold step in the direction of advocating for real change, especially in institutions that represent their interests and basic human rights


  • Clinical legal education
  • Refugee and migration law
  • Discourse
  • Arts
  • Social engagement


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