Chiara De Cesare

Due lettere inedite di Ludovico Ariosto presso l’Archivio di Stato di Lucca (fondo Anziani al tempo della libertà, 541 3)

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The article intends to provide the edition of two yet unpublished letters from Ludovico Ariosto to the Anziani of Lucca, located in the State Archives of Lucca (fund Anziani al Tempo della Libertà, 541 3). The letters are neither autograph nor signed, written by the same hand to whom the other letters by Ariosto to the Anziani are attributable (at the time Ariosto was commissario ducale in Garfagnana, appointed by Alfonso d’Este). For this reason, the letters are preceded by an introduction in which the reasons for the attribution are explained; the attribution is suggested by some references to the corresponding letters of the Anziani and by some correspondences in content with immediately preceding or subsequent letters by Ariosto and the Anziani. The introduction also aims to clarify, through additional documents from Lucca, certain references that appear in the two letters that are published.


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