Elena Felicani

«Effetto sia del ciel che tu ingemme»: riflessi lessicali delle pietre preziose nella ‘Commedia’

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The article proposes the lexical examination of Commedia voices belonging to the semantic field of gemmology, observed with the lexicographic lens of the Vocabolario Dantesco. The perspective of investigation was conducted brings to the attention the lexical richness of Dante’s language and the hermeneutical possibilities that it can offer. Will be the subject of reflection chosen terms of gemological and mineral, such as gemma, lapillo, margherita, perla, generic words used as synonyms of precious stone, along with other more specific, such as alabastro, ambra, cristallo, elitropia, smeraldo, topazio, zaffiro, used to indicate a precise gemological reference


  • Dante
  • precious stones
  • comedy
  • poeta


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