Simone Billeci

"Gratia supponit naturam." Dal periodo dei teologi alessandrini e occidentali al termine della patristica: lo studio di Bernhard Stoeckle

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“Gratia supponit naturamµ accounts for a possible solution for the comprehensive understanding of the two “ordinesµ, as long as the philosophical aspect of the concept natura is not left aside; on the contrary it is considered as the true reference point. Providing an overview of the results by Bernhard Stoeckle, allows us to better delve into the contribution given by Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Gregory of Nissa, Ambrose of Milan, Gregory the Great, Maximus the Confessor and Dionysius the Areopagite about the origin, the historical and the theoretical development of the axiom.


  • nature –
  • grace –
  • Alexandrian theologians –
  • Western theologians –
  • Bernhard Stoeckle


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