Philip Goyret

Nuclei tematici delle costituzioni conciliari: premesse e proposte

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In view of choosing the thematic nuclei of the conciliar constitutions to be re-written, we should keep in mind several criteria. Some issues, very important sixty years ago, no longer make sense today, and should be eliminated. Others certainly retain their relevance, but need to be expressed in a renewed language. Finally, others concern new issues and will see the light for the first time. In order to guide this choice, some general aspects of the genesis of the conciliar constitutions, and their specific typology, are recalled. The main fundamental interpretation keys are then proposed, both of the council in general and of each constitution in particular. At last, various events of the life of the church and of the world after the council are contemplated, which may have a certain impact on the choice of themes. It ends with the lists of themes addressed by the constitutions, in their final official version.


  • constitutions –
  • council –
  • reform –
  • pastoral –
  • actualization


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