Bernard Gosse

Le livre des Juges: Moïse, les Qénites avec Caleb et les Baals des nations, selon Nb 25,5 : Moïse, le Baal de Péor et les Juges d’Israël et Nb 24,21-22: les Qénites avec Caleb en Nb 13–15

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The Book of Judges does not mention the thematic of the חרם of the Book of Joshua. We have a transposition on the relation of Israel with the Nations that remain on the earth and had not been enslaved, with the influence of their Baal’s and divinities, in parallel of the case of the Baal of Péor in Num 25,1­5. From this point comes the use of the root שפט in the redaction of the Book of Judges (שפטים) by reference to the «Judges» of Num 25,5. But the Israelites do not have regard for the Word of Moses and do not respect their Judges. In another way and as a parallel to the Greek period of the History before the politic-institutions, we have the intervention of the Hero’s. Caleb a Kenite (Num 24,21­22), he is an example of the Hero (Num 13–15), and more he is a stranger. In continuity of this model, the first «Judge» in 3,9, is the son of Kenaz the junior brother of Caleb. We have an extension to the North Kingdom of this opposite example of the Kenites, with Yael the wife of Heber the Kenite (Judg 4,18­22).


  • Judge –
  • Kenites –
  • Baal –
  • Number 25 –
  • Moshe


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