Francesco Filannino

Un pio giudeo in attesa del regno di Dio: Giuseppe d’Arimatea nel Vangelo di Marco

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The article focuses on the figure of Joseph of Arimathea in the Second Gospel. Compared with the other evangelists, who define this member of the Sanhedrin as a disciple of Jesus (Matthew and John) or try to free him from the blame to have taken part in the Sanhedrin session which had condemned Jesus (Luke), Mark presents a more ambiguous and, therefore, more complex portrait of Joseph. The account of Jesus’ burial (Mk 15,42­47) allows inferring that Mark intended to show Joseph of Arimathea not as a disciple of Jesus (as claimed by several authors), but as a pious Jew, scrupulous observant of the Law, who was waiting for the manifestation of God’s final salvation.


  • Joseph of Arimathea
  • Mk 15
  • 42­47
  • Jesus’
  • burial
  • Kingdom of God


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