Massimo De Santis

La valenza politica della «pace» in Luca e Atti degli Apostoli

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This contribution aims to point out how Luke, heir to the Pauline tradition, in the Gospel and in the book of Acts uses the lemma εἰρήνη, common to Judaic and Greco-Roman culture, with a markedly Christological connotation. Indeed, peace is the gift of the Risen One to the disciples (Lk 24:36) and an expression of the coming of the kingdom of God (Acts 10:36). Luke underlines above all the political dimension of the notion of peace. It is realized first by Jesus and then by his disciples through a lifestyle and a socio-political practice based on inclusiveness, gratuity, mutual forgiveness, sharing of resources, non-violence. For these characteristics, the peace of the Risen One is an alternative to the "pax romana" in force in the first century A.D.


  • Peace
  • Kingdom of God
  • Gospel of Luke
  • Acts of Apostles
  • Pax romana


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