Maurice Gilbert Severino Bussino Renato De Zan Michelangelo Priotto

Sir 27,4–28,26: il rischio della parola. Parte II: Sir 27,30–28,26

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The accurate analysis of Sir 27,30–28,26 confirms the theme of these verses: the use of personal tongue is often risky. Cases more serious for social life are recalled to the disciple: forgiveness is preferable than any rancour; brawls badly end; when an external calumniator ruins the interpersonal relations, confidence in the Lord shelters. In short, control of personal tongue is recommended to the disciple.


  • Tongue –
  • Forgiveness –
  • Rancour and wrath –
  • Brawl –
  • External calumniator or third tongue –
  • Beatitude –
  • Self-control


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