Francesco Filannino

"Comanda anche agli spiriti impuri..." (Mc 1,27). Gli esorcismi di Gesù nel loro ambiente religioso-culturale: una proposta

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In the history of research, particular attention has been paid to the Greco-Roman background of exorcism narratives in the Synoptic gospels. After a brief "status quaestionis", the article reviews the exorcism narratives and rituals attested in some authors from the imperial age (Flavius Josephus, Lucian of Samosata, Flavius Philostratus) and in the Greek magical papyri, and shows their similarities and differences compared to the Gospel accounts. The divergences are due to the different demonological conceptions in the classical and Hellenistic culture. Rather, Jesus’ exorcistic activity should be interpreted in the light of Jewish demonology, attested especially in apocalyptic literature, which in the imperial age influenced the Greco-Roman demonological vision. The comparison highlights the originality of Jesus’ exorcism practice, in which the irruption of the kingdom of God finds clear expression.


  • Demonology –
  • Exorcisms –
  • Greco-Roman context –
  • Greek Magical Papyri


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