Massimo Atzori

L’emorroissa dei sinottici è Cipro, moglie di Erode Agrippa I? Un’ipotesi storico-esegetica – Parte prima

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It is hypothesized that the anonymous woman known in the gospels as the Hemorroissa can be identified with Cyprus, the wife of Mark Julius Agrippa, the one who, a few years after the death of Jesus, would become Herod Agrippa I, the last king of Judea from 41 to 44 AD. The research brings back a married Emorroissa, with a child, transgressive and courageous, but above all with the possibility of having a name, after centuries of anonymity. The work is divided into two parts: the first dedicated to the analysis of the figure of Cyprus and the second to that of the Haemorrhaged woman and the comparison of the two characters.


  • Bleeding woman –
  • Cypros –
  • Herod Agrippa –
  • Herodias –
  • Jewish Marriage


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