Chiara De Cesare

A Choral Correspondence: Some Additions to Ariosto’s Epistolary Corpus from the Letters of His Lieutenant


The essay intends to propose an insight into the documents useful for the commentary of Ariosto’s letters, through the specimen of some materials from the Archive of Lucca (fund Anziani al Tempo della Libertà, 541, 3), meaning the period 2 August - 2 September 1522. Among the dispatches of Lucca, the unpublished correspondence of Giovanni Maria Sorboli, lieutenant of the poet during the period of his commissariato in Garfagnana (1522-1525), integrates Ariosto’s correspondence and allows the re-attribution of some of the material already published among the replies of the Anziani della Repubblica di Lucca, with repercussions on some details of the poet’s biography


  • Ariosto
  • Letters
  • Lucca
  • Diplomacy


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