Maria Cristina Paganoni

Travel Blogging and the Platformisation of Comments

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The article examines the language and discourse structure of travel blogs by shifting the focus from the blogger’s posts to the blog’s online community interacting through comments. While posts remain a steady area of investigation of the sociolinguistics of travel writing, professional tourism discourse and destination branding, this does not hold true for comments from the online community, once hailed as a sign of participation and co-construction of the travel experience. Considerably decreasing in volume, comment sections on travel blogs are now moderated through gatekeeping or discontinued to collect user feedback on image-centric platforms, where interaction is multiplied but also fragmented. Drawing from scholarly studies that address dialogicity and processes of interaction in blogs, this article engages in discourse-analytic accounts of user comments in four English-language award-winning travel blogs with active comment sections, questioning their current contribution to a deeper understanding of tourism and the travel experience.


  • travel blogs
  • digital pragmatics
  • comment section
  • user interaction
  • tourism communication


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