Monica Barsi

French for specific purposes in textbooks between the second post-war period and the ‘economic miracle’

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Studying from the post-war period onwards the re-establishment of a link between Italy and France means realising that the previous autarky is completely over and that it is appropriate to immerse oneself in the vehicular language of the nascent ECSC, at a time when the newly-born Italian Republic, founded on labour, not only rebuilds itself but also becomes part of the new world order, quickly becoming an industrialised country in the Atlantic area. The growing strand of manuals is a sort of observatory, but also a historical archive worth exploring in order to shed new light on the framed historical glimpse, which has perhaps remained a little too much in the shadows, despite being a moment of terminological enrichment in the history of the linguistic confrontation between France and Italy. The precise terms of the research are in fact 1945 ab quo and 1961 ad quem, the latter symbolically defined on the basis of the promulgation of Law no. 685 of 21 July 1961 concerning the admission of graduates of technical institutes to university faculties. This still partial liberalisation of access to university in fact marks a turning point in the nation’s cultural history and a type of specialisation of the high road of education that is not exclusively humanist


  • French for specific purposes in textbooks between the second post-war period and the ‘
  • economic miracle’


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