Marina Buzzoni

The critical edition between paper and digital environments



This essay focuses on the major changes brought about by the adoption of a digital paradigm and digital methods within the field of scholarly editing. After addressing some of the most evident commonplaces of the «digital turn», the paper analyses the pros and cons of the editorial work in the transition between paper and digital environments. While it can be assumed that scholarly digital editing has now reached its maturity, there is still much to be achieved in terms of access, reproducibility, and methodological possibilities, as well as long-term preservation and dissemination of both data and metadata. This paper advocates for future forms of digital scholarly editing suited to cope with the needs of contemporary researchers, on the one hand, and contemporary audience, on the other, within a wider network of stakeholders which would potentially include libraries, museums, archives, infrastructures and – last but not least – also publishing houses.


  • scholarly digital editing
  • textual criticism
  • mark-up
  • computer-assisted stemmatology
  • long-term preservation


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